海外ニュース ブリトニー・スピアーズ、メンタルヘルス治療施設に入所と報じられるも「大丈夫」とファンに報告 公開日:2019.04.25 / 更新日:2019.08.01 著者:Hint-Pot編集部、BANG SHOWBIZ B! BANG Showbizブリトニー・スピアーズメンタルヘルス治療 【動画】ちょっぴりやつれてる? ブリちゃんの投稿にファンも声援 View this post on Instagram I wanted to say hi, because things that are being said have just gotten out of control!!! Wow!!! There’s rumors, death threats to my family and my team, and just so many things crazy things being said. I am trying to take a moment for myself, but everything that’s happening is just making it harder for me. Don’t believe everything you read and hear. These fake emails everywhere were crafted by Sam Lutfi years ago… I did not write them. He was pretending to be me and communicating with my team with a fake email address. My situation is unique, but I promise I’m doing what’s best at this moment