話題 メーガン妃 「危険」 公式アカウントの投稿で文法の間違いが多いと専門家が指摘 公開日:2019.06.14 / 更新日:2019.08.01 著者:Hint-Pot編集部 B! メーガン妃ヘンリー王子インスタグラム 【画像】誤用が指摘されたメーガン妃のインスタグラム投稿 チャールズ皇太子にも失礼に? この投稿をInstagramで見る Today The Duke of Sussex attended a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace alongside Her Majesty The Queen and other Members of The Royal Family. The Queen hosts Garden Parties as a means of recognizing guests for the good work they are doing in their communities, a tradition steeped in history and dating back to the 1860s during Queen Victoria’s reign. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended their first official Garden Party as a couple last May at Buckingham Palace just days after their wedding, in celebration of The Prince of Wales’ charity work, patronages and military affiliations. Today, The Duke of Sussex met with several guests including those that he and The Duchess extended a personal invitation to based on their extensive work in the community. His Royal Highness met with a representative of @africanparksnetwork (of which he is President), a mental health consultant for @weareinvictusgames and countless others who are leading by example with high impact cause driven work. The Duke also greeted several representatives of The Duchess’ patronages on her behalf, as she is on maternity leave and was unable to attend. These include members from @themayhew @thenationaltheatre and @smartworkscharity as well as The Association of Commonwealth Universities. Amongst the 8,000 people attending today were Members of the Armed Services, Ambassadors as well as those who have made a positive impact through the arts, charity work and volunteering. Thank you to volunteers, staff and all of those who dedicate their time and energy to working towards the collective good. We appreciate all that you do 1 2