海外ニュース メーガン妃 収益7600万円超え 料理レシピ本が13万部に増刷 公開日:2019.06.17 / 更新日:2020.09.25 著者:Hint-Pot編集部 B! メーガン妃料理本 【写真】料理は「プロ級」と言われるメーガン妃 腕前を披露した実際の姿 この投稿をInstagramで見る "The Hubb Community Kitchen is a place for women to laugh, grieve, cry and cook together. Melding cultural identities under a shared roof, it creates a space to feel a sense of normalcy – in its simplest form, the universal need to connect, nurture, and commune through food, through crisis or joy – something we can all relate to." The Duchess of Sussex is supporting a new charity cookbook, which celebrates the power of cooking to bring people together – visit the link in our bio or our IGTV channel to watch the full film #CookTogether Kensington Palaceさん(@kensingtonroyal)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年 9月月17日午前2時03分PDT