海外ニュース メーガン妃とヘンリー王子 婚約から2周年記念日に結婚式フォトグラファーが驚きの裏話を明かす 英メディアが報道 公開日:2019.12.02 / 更新日:2021.10.11 著者:森 昌利 B! メーガン妃ヘンリー王子結婚式森昌利ロイヤルファミリー 【写真】メーガン妃とヘンリー王子がはにかみ合う様子とともに 結婚式フォトグラファーの実際の投稿 この投稿をInstagramで見る 2 years ago today, Kensington Palace called my phone, out of the blue, whilst i was sitting in a hospital waiting room, waiting for a family member to wake up after a 10 hour brain surgery, to ask if I would be interested in doing a project together. Two weeks later, i was shooting the official engagement portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The next year, I was shooting the official wedding portraits at Windsor castle. This is an outtake from the Rose garden where we were given 3 minutes to take some informal pictures of the happy couple after the wedding reception. Happy memories! X p.s. the family member is doing great! Alexi Lubomirski photo(@alexilubomirski)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年11月月27日午後12時14分PST