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日本のお寺にインスピレーション 米国で称賛されたミツバチの“オアシス”とは

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【動画】日本のお寺にインスピレーション TikTokで話題になったミツバチの“オアシス” 侘び寂びを感じるデザインが素敵! 実際の様子

@miahiramatsu Did some maintenance and now my bee fountain is all ready for the upcoming summer! When I saw a tiktok of a Japanese temple where they created a little bee oasis with a mossy fountain to help them survive the rising temperatures, I had to make one for my own backyard. Try this easy DIY fountain and make your own cool bee sanctuary, especially if you live in dry hot areas. #diy #diyproject #savethebees #bees #backyarddiy #diyfountain #fountain #happybee #summerproject #moss #fairyfountain ♬ Golden Hour: Piano Version (Cover) – Andy Morris
