メーガン妃は“冷酷な野心家” ヘンリー王子に英有名司会者が忠告 「くれぐれも気を付けろ」
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【動画】ヘンリー王子が操られていると心配? モーガン氏が王子をメーガン妃の「人質」と表現したマララさんとオンライン対談の実際の様子
Meghan and I are on the same page: we both believe that when girls have access to education, everyone wins. Thank you so much to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex for sitting down with me to have an important conversation about the future of our world. ♥️ https://t.co/QETaZG8Vsn pic.twitter.com/bfnbt4pCEb
— Malala (@Malala) October 11, 2020