メーガン妃に抱かれた長男アーチーくん アフリカツアー3日目に初登場 英紙が報道
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【動画】メーガン妃 ロイヤルツアー初登場のアーチーくんを抱き会見へ向かう様子 ヘンリー王子も横に並ぶ
Meghan joked with the Archbishop’s daughter Thandeka that Archie would have have to get used the the cameras in his life.
Meghan: He’s an old soul
Harry: I think he is used to it already
The Archbishop’s daughter also joked, “You like the ladies. He’s going to be a ladies man” pic.twitter.com/vzCLxEOMHB— Rebecca English (@RE_DailyMail) September 25, 2019