海外ニュース キャサリン妃 心温まるメッセージが話題に 義足で10キロ歩いた5歳の少年に「素晴らしい勇気と決意」 公開日:2020.06.26 / 更新日:2020.06.26 著者:Hint-Pot編集部 B! キャサリン妃ロイヤルファミリー 【写真】キャサリン妃とウイリアム王子 義足で歩いた少年を称えるメッセージ 少年が歩く実際の写真も この投稿をInstagramで見る #GoTonyGo! We are so proud of the incredible courage and determination shown by Tony Hudgell, who is aiming to complete a 10km walk to raise funds for Evelina London Children’s Hospital, of which The Duchess of Cambridge is Patron. Tony suffered injuries as a baby which meant that he had to have both of his legs amputated in 2017. Having received his first pair of prosthetic legs earlier this year, Tony vowed to walk 10km throughout June. Visit @tony_hudgell_bears_journey to find out more about Tony’s journey, inspired by Captain Tom Moore, to raise funds and thank the hospital who have cared for him since he was a baby. Photo © David Tett photography Duke and Duchess of Cambridge(@kensingtonroyal)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年 6月月24日午前5時03分PDT