チャールズ皇太子がまたファッションアイテムを発表 サステイナブルなウールのスカーフは約2万3000円
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【写真】「紳士の装い」がいつも素敵なチャールズ皇太子 新たに発表したスカーフの前で笑顔を見せる様子
Designed in collaboration with Mother of Pearl and manufactured by @Johnstons_Elgin, profits from the sale of the scarf will support the @PrincesFound Future Textiles Initiative and apprenticeships at Johnstons of Elgin.
HRH was involved with the design of the scarves. pic.twitter.com/ye0b6cUQxK
— The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall (@ClarenceHouse) December 4, 2020