メーガン妃がケーキ作りの腕前を披露 自宅から約3200キロ離れた場所へプレゼント
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【写真】メーガン妃 米国の女性史月間を祝して贈った手作りケーキ 実際の写真 シンプルだが絶妙のしっとり感が想像できる出来栄え
In honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, WCK worked with Archewell, the non-profit created by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, to provide meals & share a message of appreciation & support in Chicago. Dessert was a lemon olive oil cake baked by The Duchess—with lemons ? from her garden! pic.twitter.com/vnyXV9sOnh
— World Central Kitchen (@WCKitchen) March 26, 2021