ヘンリー王子夫妻 第2子命名報道めぐりメディアと衝突 弁護士を介して警告の書簡
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【写真】ヘンリー王子夫妻が「エリザベス女王に相談していない」とする報道 “メーガン妃の応援団”と呼ばれるスコビー氏が“反論”する実際のツイート
A Sussex source says that the Queen was the first family Harry called after Lilibet’s birth and during that conversation, he shared the couple’s hope of naming their daughter in her honor. Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name.https://t.co/5rGmk3h3o4
— Omid Scobie (@scobie) June 9, 2021